Thursday, June 20, 2013

Hundreds of Problems, Millions of Blessings

Being able to focus on your blessings in life is a blessing in itself. There are people who die every day not realizing their full potential because they were never able to change their way of thinking. We should never go through life focusing on the parts of life that we didn't enjoy in the past, and fearing that we won't enjoy the future.

Instead we need to remember that though life has its ups and its downs, the good times we experience will greatly outweigh the bad times. Fill your mind with positive messages, and a habitual dedication to making your life better. We should all know that because we can go until we have nothing left, that the hundreds of problems we may face in each moment are dim in comparison to what blessings Allah has in store for us. 

You deserve a great life, don't quit, don't succumb to inferior thinking, you are blessed!