Thursday, August 29, 2013

Why Complain?

Muslims should work towards long-term planning. 

The problem is that we Muslims look for immediate results from our struggles, rallies, demonstrations or anything that we are working for. 

This is against the principles of nature. We fail to achieve our goals because we are hasty and want “urgent and immediate” results. 

Others, be it the Jews or so many other communities not only work hard, but also plan on a long term basis. 

Trees take a long time to grow, but once they grow, they remain strong. 

Same with birds and animals who migrate in search of food and water. They travel great distances for months to get the right food. 

But we Muslims want to reap the benefits without working hard, without any sacrifices.

We want to get the world and Allah, along with heaven too. 

We Muslims have remained the chronic complainers always complaining about each other, other communities, the government, the leaders and many other things. 


If we focus on working hard, we will achieve our goals Inshallah. 

We cannot expect success to drop from the sky. 

We should accept and take responsibility for our own lives, learn as much as we can not just from Muslims but the wider communities - lets grow together!

-- Mohammed Abbasi